Privacy Policy


Nimbl Consulting is committed to ensuring the privacy of all users (“Users”) information.

  1. Application

    This Privacy Policy applies to all personal information supplied to Nimbl Consulting through the website or any other products which access Nimbl Consulting (mobile and tablet etc) and personal information emailed to Nimbl Consulting.

  2. Consent

    All Users consent to the collection, use, disclosure, storage and processing of their information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

  3. Disclosure

    Nimbl Consulting will not disclose any personal information to any third party unless expressly authorised to do so by the user.

  4. Information Storage

    Nimbl Consulting will store users’ personal information securely in New Zealand or in any other country Nimbl Consulting operates in. Users’ personal information may be held securely outside of New Zealand.

  5. Usage of Information

    Nimbl Consulting reserves the right to use data (anonymously) in relation to Nimbl Consulting use for marketing purposes.

  6. Security

    (a) Nimbl Consulting will take all reasonable steps to prevent any unauthorised entry into the Nimbl Consulting database. However, Nimbl Consulting will not be liable for any loss to a customer where a third party has gained unauthorised access to a customer’s information held by Nimbl Consulting.

    (b) The measures Nimbl Consulting uses to keep customers information secure are: The encryption transfer of personal data placed onto the website by the customer. Once the customer’s personal data is received it will be stored on a secure server protected by firewalls to try and prevent unauthorised access from the internet.

    (c) Nimbl Consulting will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or expenses either directly or indirectly incurred by a customer or as a result of the customer using the website. The customer uses this website and the online forms at the customer’s risk.

  7. Cookies

    Nimbl Consulting uses cookies on its website. Cookies are small text files that are placed on the browsers of visitors to our website for recordkeeping purposes and so that (for example) your preferences can be recognised when you come back to our site. Those cookies include both temporary or session cookies that are deleted when you close your browser and permanent cookies which remain on your device.

    Nimbl Consulting may participate in advertising programmes operated by third parties for which advertising and retargeting cookies are used. Those third party websites show their visitors advertisements for Nimbl Consulting based on cookies which tell the third party website that the visitor has previously visited and cannot be used to identify any individual visitor.

    To learn more about cookies, including how to manage and delete them, visit

  8. Changes to our Privacy Policy

    Nimbl Consulting may amend or update this Privacy Policy from time to time, with or without notice to Users. We will post those change on this page.

  9. Contacting Us

    If there are any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, you may contact us using the
    information below.